Yo-Sub is a Professor of the Department of Computer Science at Yonei University in South Korea where his research focuses on formal languages and automata theory, algorithm design, information retrieval and efficient text/multimedia searching methods.
Yo-Sub was first drawn to HKUST by its impressive engineering program, in particular its notorious theoretical computer science research squad. “HKUST is the best place to study. It provides students with every necessity for studying. In addition one can learn from the world class faculties. I am so lucky to be taught by them," he says. "HKUST provides comprehensive training in engineering science and offers an excellent foundation for those interested in undertaking subsequent doctoral research. I am grateful to Prof. Sunil Aria, Prof. Siu-Wing Cheng, Prof. Mordecai Golin and my dear supervisor Prof. Derick Wood as they all willingly aided me in this unique learning experience."
He misses the good old days at HKUST, in particular the library which was his favorite spot on campus. "The ocean view is gorgeous. While we set sail on the boundless ocean of knowledge, I wish that HKUST will keep producing world class researchers as it has been doing,”Yo-Sub adds.