Collectively, our alumni are among our most important stakeholders and closest supporters. The Alumni team under Development and Alumni Office serves as a bridge between HKUST alumni and your alma mater. Our alumni network already stands at over 104,689 graduates around the world, and we aim to extend our reach numerically and geographically.
DAO stands for Development and Alumni Office. In your days as a student, you would have sometimes been in contact with Dean of Students Office (formerly called Students Affairs Office) for assistance. DAO is the equivalent for alumni, and you can reach out to us.
We strive to build close ties between alumni and HKUST through:
organizing a wide array of programs relevant to alumni
It is our job to keep you informed on how as alumni you can support one another and contribute to the overall advancement of HKUST. Please stay in touch with us and let’s continue to write the incredible story of HKUST together!
You are welcome to send your suggestions and comments to us. We will be happy to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us by email to or call us at (852)2358 6158 during office hours.
Development and Alumni Office
Room 3008, 3/F (Lift 3), Academic Building
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fax: (852)3743 0939