Shanghai Alumni Chapter

The HKUST Shanghai Alumni Chapter, founded in 2013, is dedicated to uniting alumni in Shanghai, fostering a sense of community, and strengthening ties between alumni and the University.

Over the years, the Chapter has successfully organized a diverse range of events, including Jazz Master Concert, Christmas Party, Sino-HK Economy Forum, Annual Spring Reception Dinner, Outstanding Alumni Sharing series seminars and community services initiatives. The Chapter’s interest groups have achieved notable results, with the Sports Club achieving victories in table tennis and badminton competitions, while the Music Club created a commemorative song “Clearwater Bay” for the HKUST’s 25th anniversary.

The 5th Executive Committee of Shanghai Alumni Chapter (2023-2025) was formed in April 2023 and is composed of the following members:

PresidentTracy Sha LIUMBA
Executive Vice PresidentSteve Kwok On LAMBBA (FINA)
Executive Member (Activities)Yanzi WUMSc (IBTM)
Executive Member (Activities)Jack Jinjie JIAEMBA
Executive Member (Interest Clubs)    Linda Lin LUMSc (EVSM)
Executive Member (Interest Clubs)Leo, Lingyu YAOMSc (ICDE)
Executive Member (Propaganda)Mark Yilun WUBBA (MARK)      
Executive Member & TreasurerSpencer Wenjing WANG    MSc(ECON)
Executive MemberLeo Liu YANGEMBA
Executive MemberMark Ming LIMBA
Executive MemberZuli XUPhD (PHYS)

The Founding President Benjamin, Hak Fung CHIAO, and the former President James, Yuze HAN have been invited to serve as Honorary Presidents. 


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