Exploring the endless possibilities in life
Ray Liew is an HKUST business graduate. He currently works in the Data & AI space as a Senior Account Executive at Databricks while running his Podcast, Talk Lah, as a passion project with his best friend, Andrian from university.
Ray was born and raised in Malaysia. Having obtained a scholarship to study at HKUST, Ray left his home country for his next adventure in Hong Kong.
Ray loved Hong Kong and the opportunities the city had to offer and decided to stay after university graduation. Following several years of forging his path ahead — with trials and errors along the way — he hoped to shed some light on the matters of life for the younger generations. That’s how the idea of Talk Lah first came about.
Showing young people that life is full of endless possibilities
Talk Lah has been running for a year and a half now, airing one episode every week. In the past 18 months, Ray and his partner have talked to personalities from all walks of life — from university professors, CEOs, and entrepreneurs on business and career advice, to peers and acquaintances with an individual take on softer topics such as lifestyle, travel, relationships, and LGBTQ.
"The aim is to show young people life is full of endless possibilities. There is no such thing as 'the right way' to live or 'the right formula' to succeed. Pursue what makes you happy and fulfilled, and you'll find your way."
Your job needs not be your whole identity
Speaking of the most inspiring chat he's ever had on his Podcast, Ray says each of the guests has inspired him in different ways.
"We've once spoken to an Australian professional. He's the founder and CEO of a financial services strategy consultancy. He's also the chairman of a business association and teaches lectures on the side," shares Ray.
"Albeit his ultra-busy schedule, he finds time to perform as a standup comedian as it's where his passion lies. He's a perfect example of curating life around what you love."
The pursuit of happiness
"While work takes up a large part of our life, we need not orbit our life around our job, and our job shouldn't define our whole identity," shares Ray.
To Ray, life is about being versatile and gaining new experiences. "By staying open-minded to new things, people, and places, you'll know what truly fulfills you and brings you happiness, and this is what matters."
Ray walks his talk by living life to the fullest, as proven by the inspirations around fitness, food, and lifestyle he regularly shares on social media.
Catering to a larger audience
Talking about where Talk Lah is heading, Ray hopes to expand the podcast's reach by launching a website version to cater to young people who prefer content in text and images. He also hopes to engage his audience better and let them have a voice in the direction and scope of his Podcast soon.
"I hope to continue sharing more inspiring stories on the podcast to help young people live bravely and be confident about their life choices," Ray speaks cheerily. "There's no need to compare ourselves to others. Just go at your own pace, and choose your life."