Mainland China and Overseas
  • Ontario_Chapter
    Alumni Association in Ontario

    Welcome to our community!

    The HKUST Alumni Association in Ontario is dedicated to connecting HKUST alumni and fostering a vibrant network. We offer a variety of events and activities, including:

    • Joint Universities Events 
    • Educational Programs
    • The Chinese Arts and Literary Contest for Youth in Ontario
    • Dragon Boat Racing 
    • Culture Events
    • Reunions
    • Volunteer Projects
    • Career Networking

    We encourage you to join our community and participate in our events to expand your network, explore new opportunities, and stay engaged with HKUST. You will also be able to get connected with alumni from universities in Hong Kong and overseas.

    Please fill in the membership form here and join our private Facebook group.  If you wish to connect with us, please email

    We wish you all the best in your post-graduation endeavors and hope to see you at our upcoming events.

  • Beijing Alumni Chapter

    The HKUST Beijing Alumni Chapter, established in 2005, served as a platform for HKUST alumni working and residing in Beijing to gather together. Our mission is to strengthen connection among the alumni and broaden their career horizons through shared experience and networking opportunities.  We actively promote professional development, facilitate collaboration, and keep our members informed about the latest developments at HKUST.  Over the years, we have successfully organized a diverse range of social events including parties, outdoor activities and community services. In addition, the Chapter always offers support to the HKUST President and its senior management during their visits to Beijing, fostering strong ties between the University and its alumni in the capital.

    The 5th Executive Committee of Beijing Alumni Chapter (2023-2025) was elected in June 2023 and is composed of the following members:

    President Ken Kuan LUEMBA
    Executive Vice President Ella Xuna MA MBA
    Executive Vice President Ben Peng PENGMSc (TELECOM)
    Executive Vice President Sylvia Shuya YOUMSc (IM)
    Executive MemberBetty Lihan GUOMSc (BIOT)
    Executive MemberYiming LI  BBA (GBUS)
    Executive MemberSam Xin WANGMSc (EVNG), MSc (EEM)
    Executive MemberJoanna Huanjun ZHOUMPP
    Treasurer Ziye DONGMSc (MAFM)

    Dr. Qingxin SU and Max Chengge WANG have been invited to serve as the Honorary Presidents of the Committee.

    Please contact the Development and Alumni Office via if you want to join the WeChat platform of the HKUST Beijing Alumni Chapter

  • Guangzhou Alumni Chapter

    The HKUST Guangzhou Alumni Chapter, established in 2021, serves as a platform for HKUST alumni in Guangzhou to connect, share experience, and support the development of the University. At the same time, it also strives to strengthening communication with other alumni organizations all over the world.

    Since its inception, the Chapter has successfully organized a variety of events, including jazz concerts, Christmas parties, hiking and sharing sessions with outstanding Alumni.


    HKUST Alumni Association Guangzhou Chapter


    Member of Executive Committee (2023-2025):

    PresidentYeung Teng 
    Vice PresidentDu Dijia
    Vice PresidentLiang Lu
    Vice PresidentLuo Xin
    Vice PresidentZhang Hao
    Vice PresidentZhang Jiaming 
    Exco-Member Feng Qi
    Exco-Member Fu Chengzhe
    Exco-Member Huang Yuchen 
    Exco-Member Huo Kaiyang
    Exco-Member Li Jiarong
    Exco-Member Shen Zhong
    Exco-Member Sheng Zhonghua
    Exco-Member Wang Weike


    Follow us on WeChat:


  • Northern California Chapter
    Northern California Alumni Chapter

    The HKUST Northern California Alumni Chapter empowers the overseas HKUST community by connecting HKUST alumni, promoting friendship, and offering opportunities for continuing education, personal and professional growth. Our core values are Fun, Growth, Serve, and Trust.

    Over the years, we have organized a great variety of activities for our alumni, from casual gatherings and buddy program to community services and many more.

    Want to join our community? Contact us at to learn more. 

  • Shanghai_Chapter
    Shanghai Alumni Chapter

    The HKUST Shanghai Alumni Chapter, founded in 2013, is dedicated to uniting alumni in Shanghai, fostering a sense of community, and strengthening ties between alumni and the University.

    Over the years, the Chapter has successfully organized a diverse range of events, including Jazz Master Concert, Christmas Party, Sino-HK Economy Forum, Annual Spring Reception Dinner, Outstanding Alumni Sharing series seminars and community services initiatives. The Chapter’s interest groups have achieved notable results, with the Sports Club achieving victories in table tennis and badminton competitions, while the Music Club created a commemorative song “Clearwater Bay” for the HKUST’s 25th anniversary.

    The 5th Executive Committee of Shanghai Alumni Chapter (2023-2025) was formed in April 2023 and is composed of the following members:

    PresidentTracy Sha LIUMBA
    Executive Vice PresidentSteve Kwok On LAMBBA (FINA)
    Executive Member (Activities)Yanzi WUMSc (IBTM)
    Executive Member (Activities)Jack Jinjie JIAEMBA
    Executive Member (Interest Clubs)    Linda Lin LUMSc (EVSM)
    Executive Member (Interest Clubs)Leo, Lingyu YAOMSc (ICDE)
    Executive Member (Propaganda)Mark Yilun WUBBA (MARK)      
    Executive Member & TreasurerSpencer Wenjing WANG    MSc(ECON)
    Executive MemberLeo Liu YANGEMBA
    Executive MemberMark Ming LIMBA
    Executive MemberZuli XUPhD (PHYS)

    The Founding President Benjamin, Hak Fung CHIAO, and the former President James, Yuze HAN have been invited to serve as Honorary Presidents. 


    Follow us on WeChat:


  • Shenzhen_Chapter
    Shenzhen Alumni Chapter

    The HKUST Shenzhen Alumni Chapter, established in 2011, serves to provide a networking platform for alumni residing in Shenzhen and its neighboring areas. Our mission is to foster a sense of belonging, facilitate networking, and strengthen connections with the University. Through a variety of events and initiatives, we provide opportunities for alumni to meet new friends, expand personal and professional networks, and stay engaged with the University.

    The 4th Executive Committee of Shenzhen Alumni Chapter (2023-2025) was formed in July 2023 and is composed of the following members:

    PresidentJason Yongsheng CHEN     MBA
    Vice PresidentLeslie Cheng LIMBA
    Vice PresidentEva Hua XIAOEMBA
    Vice PresidentJamie Yilin ZHENG MSc(ECON)
    Executive MemberJohn Hai HUMBA
    Executive MemberEffie Yifei LIMSc (GO)
    Executive Member    Jinbo WUMSc(MATL) ; PhD(NSNT)   
    Executive MemberSam Kun XIONGMPhil(ECE)

    The Founding President Mily Yihuan HE, upon invitation, serves as the Committee’s Honorary President.

    To join our WeChat group, please contact Development and Alumni Affairs office via email:

  • Singapore_Chapter
    Singapore Alumni Chapter

    The HKUST Singapore Alumni Chapter, a vibrant community of HKUST alumni and former exchange students established in 2010, is committed to fostering closer ties with the HKUST network, as well as providing a platform for its members to network with fellow alumni and graduates from other Hong Kong and overseas universities worldwide through numerous joint alumni events. From casual drinks and BBQ gatherings to insightful industry seminars, our diverse events cater to various interests and offer opportunities to reconnect with the HKUST community and to broaden exposure. If you are new to town or would like to reconnect with the HKUST community, this is a great place to start with.

    Join our private Facebook group to stay updated on the latest events and happenings organized by Singapore Chapter.


  • Japan_Chapter
    Alumni Network in Japan

    The HKUST Alumni Network in Japan fosters a strong community built on mutual respect, diversity and collaboration. Our mission is to connect HKUST alumni in Japan, promote professional development and support the University.  We achieve this through organizing events and workshops that facilitate networking, learning, and cultural exchange, as well as providing career opportunities and promoting HKUST's reputation in Japan.

    We collaborate with alumni, the University, Japanese society, and partner universities worldwide to strengthen the network in Japan and contribute to the global alumni network.

    The first executive committee for 2023 to 2025 is composed of the following members:

    PresidentAlec LeeMBA
    Vice PresidentFred LoMSc(COMP
    SecretaryZhongju WangPhD(ECE)
    TreasurerShiro MiyamotoMBA
    Cross-University CoordinatorKen K.W. HoPhD(IS)
    Event ManagerJintao LiMSc(CBME)

    If you want to join the Network in Japan, please contact the Executive Committee at

    Join our LinkedIn here:


  • New York Chapter
    Alumni Network in New York

    The HKUST Alumni Network in New York fosters a vibrant community through regular social events like happy hours, hot pot dinners, dim sum lunch, and more. These gatherings offer a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow HKUST alumni in your neighborhood and expand your professional and social network.

    Looking to connect with HKUST alumni in New York?  Please email to get in touch with us.

  • Sydney_Chapter
    Alumni Network in Sydney

    HKUST has an active and enthusiastic alumni group in Sydney and it is growing from strength to strength! We connect members through regular events, fostering friendships and professional development opportunities. Whether you are a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, there is something for everyone in our network. Stay connected with your alma mater and fellow alumni. 

    Please email to get involved! 

  • Alumni Network in Taiwan

    The HKUST Alumni Network in Taiwan, established in 2019, is committed to connecting, inspiring, and supporting our alumni community. We nurture friendships, foster personal and professional development, and offer opportunities for life-long learning. Please join our social events, networking workshops, and cultural activities to meet old buddies and new friends.  

    Connect with us via email:

  • Alumni network in the UK
    Alumni Network in the UK

    The HKUST Alumni UK Network brings together both alumni and current students of the HKUST community. We offer a strong support network, fostering friendships and professional development opportunities. Our network is well connected with other Hong Kong and Chinese organizations, expanding your opportunities for networking and cultural exchange.  We also organize a variety of activities, from social gatherings to artistic events, for our members.

    If you are or will be in the UK, please join our Facebook to stay tuned for our latest happenings! You are also welcome to contact us via

  • Vancouver_AA
    Alumni Network in Vancouver

    The HKUST Alumni Network in Vancouver is a vibrant and rapidly growing community. Our diverse network brings together alumni from a wide range of academic, professional, and cultural backgrounds. We regularly host a variety of events, providing a valuable opportunity to reconnect with your alma mater and fellow alumni.  It is a fantastic way to expand your network, stay connected, and reminisce about your HKUST days.

    Please email if you are interested in joining us.  


  • MBA Alumni Association Guangdong Chapter

    Launched in 2002, the HKUST Shenzhen MBA Program now has more than 580 alumni and students living and studying in Guangdong. To strengthen connections and foster a sense of belonging to the University and the Business School, the HKUST MBA Alumni Association Guangdong Chapter (MBAAA GD Chapter) was founded in Shenzhen in 2007. The Chapter’s committee comprises representatives from various cohorts, facilitating networking and collaboration among alumni.

    With the support of the MBA Shenzhen Office, the MBAAA GD Chapter organizes a wide variety of activities in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Hong Kong. These include reunions, workshops, seminars and family gatherings to strengthen alumni bonds and promote professional development.

    Follow us on Wechat:



Moving to a new city or country?


The Development and Alumni Office offers a robust Relocation Program, connecting you with fellow HKUST graduates in over 100 cities/countries. Visit our Relocation Program page to learn more about being a relocation guest or host.

If you wish to contact one of the alumni groups, please reach out to Development & Alumni Office:


 (852)2358 6158