Breadcrumb Home Entrepreneurship HKUST Entrepreneurs Discover the Journeys of Our Successful Alumni Entrepreneurs Let Their Stories Inspire You Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Kent Hau Founder HK JEBN Limited (樓上) Terry Tsang Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited Fion Leung Co-Founder Time Auction Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology Jiaya Jia Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore Jiaya Jia Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore Terry Tsang Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited Terry Tsang Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited Jiaya Jia Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Fion Leung Co-Founder Time Auction Fion Leung Co-Founder Time Auction Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Kent Hau Founder HK JEBN Limited (樓上) Terry Tsang Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited Fion Leung Co-Founder Time Auction Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology Jiaya Jia Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore Jiaya Jia Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore Terry Tsang Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited Terry Tsang Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited Jiaya Jia Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Fion Leung Co-Founder Time Auction Fion Leung Co-Founder Time Auction Get Inspired by Our Successful Alumni Entrepreneurs AllAcademicArtistAthleteContent CreatorEducatorEngineerEntrepreneurPilotPublic ServantSenior ManagementSocial Worker Professions AllSchool of ScienceSchool of EngineeringSchool of Business & ManagementSchool of Humanities & Social ScienceAcademy of Interdisciplinary StudiesJoint SchoolsFok Ying Tung Graduate SchoolFunction HubInformation HubSociety HubSystems Hub School All20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000 Publish Year Hobo, Zhe LIANG Co-Founder and Chairman Xeno Dynamics. Co.,Ltd. Mo MA CEO Eurekabio Danny, Shizheng TAO Co-founder and CEO ePropulsion Technology Calvin ZHANG CEO Incus Ltd. Tony Wong Co-founder & CEO SHOPLINE Dr. Ervin SHU CEO Biorocks Dicky Yuen Director Venturenix Tony REN Founder & CEO Recurve AI Henri, Yik Hang Pang CEO & Founder, Co-founder, Senior Strategic Representative WalnutTech, H3FutureLab, Kickstarter Dr. Qiao GU CEO Solidgood Tech Limited Haywood SHUM CEO & co-founder of Binery Binery Hardy LIU Managing Partner, Co-founder Altive, ApoidEa Load More