Feiyu Kang
Dean, Graduate School at Shenzhen and Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Tsinghua University

Feiyu is the Dean of the Graduate School at Shenzhen for Tsinghua University, as well as a Professor at the university's Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Under his leadership, the Graduate School has expanded rapidly and now offers a wide spectrum of continuing education modules for the training needs of various working classes and enterprises in China.

An expert in carbon materials, Feiyu founded the New Carbon Materials Laboratory with funding from the Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials of the Ministry of Education and Tsinghua University. The laboratory has worked with international institutes and corporations to develop carbon science and technology, and has made many contributions to the exploration and application of natural graphite resources in China. 

Feiyu also serves as Associate Editor-in Chief of the Journal of New Carbon Materials; Advisory Board Member of the Journal of Carbon; and International Advisory Board Member of the International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds. His achievements have won him several awards including the National Invention Prize (Third Rank). 

Publish Year2018