In a city often dominated by cars and buses, biking has become a widely used mode of transportation for many New Territories residents. Recognizing this, former eBay engineer Ken Ching founded Locobike (樂區踩) in 2017 to address the need for a bike-sharing solution in Hong Kong.
Leveraging big data and AI, Locobike has evolved from a company exploring the market to a major player in the Hong Kong bike-sharing landscape. The company has partnered closely with government departments and implemented a machine-learning based dockless bike-sharing platform and mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) solutions for over 600,000 registered users.
For Locobike, AI is a way to optimize their work on road conditions, safety, user systems, and to run its solar energy-based wireless charging stations. Locobike has developed a global first green energy micro-mobility network powered by solar and wireless charging. “AI will help us create better conditions for users, and ultimately, that is the best use of any technology,” says Ken.
Locobike's success is rooted in its robust hardware and innovative software. The company improved its app's usability, deployed patrols to monitor bike conditions, and leveraged AI to enhance urban planning and bike management. Patenting the world's first AI-powered dockless micro-mobility management system, Locobike uses data from patrols and usage patterns to optimize bike collection, maintenance, and repair.
The inspiration for Locobike came from Ken's time at HKUST, where he learned to combine hardware and software, a key skill for developing IoT solutions. Locobike is now expanding its corporate network, working with Shell to develop micro-mobility concepts and partnering with an international luxury resort brand in Chengdu to provide customized e-bike services. Looking to the future, Locobike is setting its sights on global expansion, with plans to establish operations in four tourist resorts and parks, one university campus in Mainland China, and one industrial campus in Taiwan.
Alumni Newsletter Summer 2024
Update date: June 2024