Kai Lung is a soldier in the cyber world, fighting for the information safety and security of cyber citizens. His research embraces issues ranging from consumer privacy, weblogs and web animation to spamming and piracy, and his findings help marketers and monitoring authorities make informed decisions. He has a substantial number of publications on information privacy to his credit and is the recipient of several awards including the 2013 ISR Best Associate Editor Award and the 2010 and 2013 Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence awarded by the HKUST Business School.
Kai Lung was a member of the first batch of HKUST exchange students to go overseas, and his exchange partner's determination to become a professor in Economics had a strong impact on him. "Her clearly defined goal inspired me to study hard. I was greatly impressed by her passion and drive. Her example helped me to map out an academic career path, after the exchange program," he recalls.
He is following in the footsteps of his professors and mentors to motivate future generations of HKUST students. "Being a professor is a great privilege," he says. "The lively and penetrating classroom discussions we have are food for thought that feeds my research. Research and teaching are complementary disciplines. I enjoy both."
In July 2017, Kai Lung was granted the honorary Chair Professor title in recognition of his academic achievements and distinguished services.