面包屑 首页 杰出校友 校友简介 我们的骄傲 我们的校友社群体现了科大致力于培育有才华、有创意和多才多艺的人才的承诺。 这些杰出的毕业生在不同领域作出重大贡献,展示了科大教育的独特质素。 诚邀大家探索来自不同的学院、课程和年代的科大校友激励人心的旅程, 见证他们在世界各地的影响力,并了解他们的经历如何塑造了他们的杰出成就。 欧阳伟豪 Artist Cindy Chow Executive Director Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Lawrence Tsui Professional Drummer, Founder GIG Studio Vivian Ho Artist 梁志成 Director & CEO Hungry Digital 孙玮良 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology 欧阳伟豪 Artist 欧阳伟豪 Artist 梁志成 Director & CEO Hungry Digital 梁志成 Director & CEO Hungry Digital 孙玮良 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology 孙玮良 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology 欧阳伟豪 Artist Cindy Chow Executive Director Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Lawrence Tsui Professional Drummer, Founder GIG Studio Vivian Ho Artist 梁志成 Director & CEO Hungry Digital 孙玮良 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology 欧阳伟豪 Artist 欧阳伟豪 Artist 梁志成 Director & CEO Hungry Digital 梁志成 Director & CEO Hungry Digital 孙玮良 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology 孙玮良 Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology 从我们的校友中得到启发 任何AcademicArtistAthleteContent CreatorEducatorEngineerEntrepreneurPilotPublic ServantSenior ManagementSocial Worker 职业 任何School of ScienceSchool of EngineeringSchool of Business & ManagementSchool of Humanities & Social ScienceAcademy of Interdisciplinary StudiesJoint SchoolsFok Ying Tung Graduate SchoolFunction HubInformation HubSociety HubSystems Hub 学院 任何20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025 上载日期 郑颕健 Teacher Zheng Sheng College 宋奇 Founder and CEO 遇見小面 (Xiao Mian Noodle Restaurant) Teresa Law Co-Founder and Managing Director AKOS Advanced Technology Ltd. George Chan Co-founder and Executive Director AKOS Advanced Technology Limited Tim Woo Associate Professor; Director; Associate Director; Co-founder Engineering Education; Center for Global & Community Engagement; Academy for Bright Future Young Engineer; STEM@HKUST Platform HKUST 單曉晴 Team Lead ShopLovers.co Lell Luk Assistant Curator Zoological Operation Waterfront Ocean Park 邓家怡 Co-Founder; Founder; Associate Director; Manager; Go Inside Café Design for Change China; Playtao Education; Social Ventures Hong Kong 余立辉 Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts Boston Kai Lung Hui Associate Dean (UG Programs); Chair Professor School of Business and Management; Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations HKUST Chi On Chui Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering University of California, Los Angeles Roy Law Co-Founder & CEO; Founder & President; Founder; Managing Partner; Chairman ETeamNote; AppTask; ZeroZone; AT Group Ventures; WTIA (wtiahk.org) 2018-2020 Load More