Zheng Sheng College

Like many Mathematics graduates, Wing Kin decided to be a teacher after graduation. Unlike most of them, however, he chose to join Zheng Sheng College in order to help young drug offenders.

Just before graduation, Wing Kin approached the College – a private school on Lantau Island dedicated to the rehabilitation of youths with drug addiction problems – and started volunteering there during the summer. He has to clean the campus and carry heavy loads. He was impressed by Zheng Sheng' s "whole-person" education approach to help its students re-integrate into society, and made up his mind to stay there.

"Witnessing young people change and improve is really rewarding. Mentoring and fostering self-esteem are the keys to turning these youths' lives around. We are willing to forgo material benefits. Single teachers have to stay at the school four nights a week, while married ones must stay at least three nights. If I got married, one of the main conditions would be that I continue working here," Wing Kin says.

Publish Year2020