AEF 学生初创基金

AEF Student Start-up Grants

学生初创基金为全日制学生提供机会,协助他们开展自己的业务,将创新意念转化为现实。我们明白创业是一项挑战。 学生初创基金让学生踏出实现梦想的第一步,我们不仅提供财务资助,还提供指导和鼓励,协助他们成功创业。

学生初创基金是由科大校友林溢锋于2016年成立,他是T12M Ventures的合伙创办人,该公司是小型企业的天使投资者,也就收购及拓展小型公司提供加速基金。林溢锋热衷于支持学生创业,他提供的指导领域包括创意开发、市场分析、会计、法律事务、投资人关系等等。有了您的支持,我们可以向更多学生提供支持,协助他们将商业构思落实执行。

The AEF Student Start-up Grants allow full time students with innovative ideas to kick-start their own businesses.   Why do we think this is important? We know starting a business is never easy. The AEF Student Start-up Grants allow students to take their first step towards fulfilling their dreams and aspirations while providing guidance and encouragement.     Why pledge? Alumnus Alvin Lam, Managing Partner of T12M Ventures—an angel investor in small startups and an accelerator fund that buys small companies to grow them—established the AEF Student Start-up Grants in 2016. He is keen to support students on their startup journey, help them with the ideation process and market analysis, and provide commercial advice on accounting and legal matters, investor relationships, and much more. With your pledge, we will be able to provide more students with the resources to develop their business ideas.2

最初,学生初创基金只为个别有创业抱负的学生提供种子资金,帮助他们启动创业计划。但随着时间的推移,计划已大幅扩展。现在,该基金直接资助由香港科技大学创业中心推出的创业培训计划。该计划专为学生而设,为他们提供在变化多端的创业世界中取得成功所需的基本技能、知识和资源。通过将资金投入该培训计划,更多的学生创业者可以受益于专家指导、师友辅导和实际的学习经验。 这可在大学小区中培养充满活力的创新和创业文化。

如有查询,请透过电邮,或致电 (852) 2358 6021 与科大创业中心联络。


如欲直接捐款,请使用我们的网上表格。您的慷慨捐助可作扣税用途。校友如欲以其在美国的资产捐赠科大,请透过我们的非牟利伙伴Give2Asia进行捐款,亦可享有税务优惠。 详情请浏览。


2020-21 过往得奖者

Anushka PUROHIT, Breer

2019-20 过往得奖者

NGAI Yat Shing, Indus

2018-19 过往得奖者

LUNG Chun Ting, Deep Analytics Limited
NARAYANA SWAMY Thomas Rohit, Rehabtics
TSUI Cheuk Leong, Findingmini (小巴到哪兒)

2017-18 过往得奖者

AMANOV Dovran, Facile
LUC Annie An-nhi, T-101
SO Tsz Yan Amanda, MamaHelpers Limited
SUKIENNIK Nicholas, Inflo
WICAKSANA Jeffry, Visor
WONG Ching Fung Janice, Uni-ox
WONG Yu Hang, EZT (EasyTea)
SHU Yiwei, Cyrochip

2016-17 过往得奖者

HUNG Hiu Fung, Dr. Journey
KIM Ji Yong, Scaevolus Technology
SHREY Singh, Huan Corp
WU Tan Tania, Fixway Ltd.



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