社区服务弥足珍贵,对个人和他们所服务的社区都有好处。 我们鼓励学生贡献自己的力量,为社会带来正向改变。
AEF社区服务奖旨在表扬那些体现领导精神、热忱和同情心,并且致力于创造可持续社区项目、推动积极变革的优秀学生。 每年,六名优秀的全日制本科生和研究生可获得港币 5,000 元现金奖,以支持他们继续投入社区服务。
有兴趣的学生可透过学务长办公室提交申请。入围的候选人将获邀与遴选小组会面,小组成员包括学务长、学务长办公室 、教职员、学生及校友代表。
如欲直接捐款,请使用我们的网上表格。您的慷慨捐助可作扣税用途。校友如欲以其在美国的资产捐赠科大,请透过我们的非牟利伙伴Give2Asia进行捐款,亦可享有税务优惠。 详情请浏览 https://give2asia.org/hkust。
2022-23 得奖者
CHUI Bibo, School of Business and Management
NEOH Michelle, School of Business and Management
PASCIOLCO Mark Joseph, School of Engineering
TAGHIPOUR Shabnam, School of Engineering
2021-22 得奖者
CHAN Hiu Chun, School of Business and Management
CHAN Ho Yuet, School of Business and Management
CUATON Ginbert Permejo, Interdisciplinary Programs
LAI Yun Chi, School of Business and Management
LEE Zenobia, School of Science
2020-21 得奖者
CHAN Sze Yuen, School of Humanities and Social Science
CHENG Lan, Interdisciplinary Programs
CHUI Bibo, School of Business and Management
LAU Ching Yan, Interdisciplinary Programs
WONG Ka Ying, Interdisciplinary Programs
2019-20 得奖者
CHAN Hiu Yan, School of Engineering
CHOI Sin Ting, School of Business and Management
CHOW Hiu Ying, School of Business and Management
FONG Kei Him, School of Business and Management
HO Wing Yan, School of Science
2018-19 得奖者
Turzo BOSE, School of Engineering
GAO Kristen Yuqi, School of Business and Management
LAU Lai Yee, School of Science
LEE Jessica Chi Yun, School of Business and Management
LEUNG Yan Pui, School of Business and Management
LUI Wing Wong, School of Engineering
2017-18 得奖者
CHAU Tsz Tung, School of Business and Management
DONG Hao, School of Engineering
YEUNG Rigil Kent, School of Science
YUEN Chui Yiu, School of Business and Management
2016-17 得奖者
CHAN Long Hung, School of Business and Management
FUNG Tsz Yan Amanda, School of Humanities and Social Science
LEE Tsz Yan, School of Humanities and Social Science
LEUNG Ka Yan, School of Business and Management
TAM Hiu Yu Christy, School of Business and Management
2015-16 得奖者
CHEN Peiwei, School of Science
CHU Yuen Tim, School of Science
CHUNG Oi Yee, School of Business and Management
LAI Kam Chiu, School of Business and Management
LAW Ho Ching, School of Humanities and Social Science
2014-15 得奖者
LIM Kwan Wing Sophia, School of Business and Management
NG San Lun, School of Business and Management
PAN Wenang, School of Business and Management
TAM Kin Lok, School of Business and Management
WONG Shun Kit, School of Science
2013-14 得奖者
FONG Yee Yan, School of Business and Management
KONG Wing Man, School of Engineering
LI Dong Shun Yi, School of Science
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