Commercial Radio

It is understandable why Jane Li, known by her Chinese name that translates as "Watermelon" (西瓜), has flourished in a business that depends on communication – she is cheerful and talkative, and is a natural with young people. Although she is low key about her connections, there is show business in her blood: her mother is singer, producer and radio personality Sandy Lamb, her uncle Jan Lamb is a hugely popular presenter, pop singer and actor, while her uncle Jerry Lam and aunt Lily Hong are also artistes. Not surprisingly, she has loved pop music since she was very small!

Upon graduation, she began working at Commercial Radio on the Skyhigh Creative Partners, a social enterprise supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club, St. James' Settlement and Commercial Radio to nurture creative young talents. She then got involved in the online marketing of the radio, and soon got the chance to work as a DJ. 

Currently she presents Hey, Learners! 早安,同學早, an early morning weekday show for youngsters and students, and Wondermelon 太陽從西瓜升起, a Saturday program showcasing pop songs from around the world. 

One might not think that there is a link between marketing and being a DJ, but Jane points out that her studies have proved useful. "Thanks to this program, I acquired a good sense about marketing, such as positioning, targeted markets and so on. Marketing is about how to implement your thoughts, how to present your ideas to your customers. I think about what kind of audience I attract. I prepare topics for my targeted audience and am applying what I learnt from the University to my job," says Jane.

She is diligent and well-planned, and is always seeking to improve herself and be more competitive. Apart from being a presenter, she often takes up other roles such as event emcee and dubbing work.

"I am always encouraged by the positive actions of my listeners. It reminds me that my role is to give others a comfortable feeling, to let them know there is hope in every day. Sometimes people on the street say thank you to me, or people leave a positive comment on Facebook, and I am satisfied. I don't mind even if it is a criticism, as this could push me to improve," says Jane.

Know more about Jane from:

Alumni Newsletter Winter 2016

Publish Year2016