導航連結 首頁 傑出校友 校友簡介 我們的驕傲 我們的校友社群體現了科大致力於培育有才華、有創意和多才多藝的人才的承諾。 這些傑出的畢業生在不同領域作出重大貢獻,展示了科大教育的獨特質素。 誠邀大家分享來自不同的學院、課程和年代的科大校友激勵人心的旅程, 見證他們在世界各地的影響力,並了了解他們的經歷如何塑造了他們的傑出成就。 Benjamin Au Yeung Artist Cindy Chow Executive Director Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Lawrence Tsui Professional Drummer, Founder GIG Studio Vivian Ho Artist Rudi Leung Director & CEO Hungry Digital Langston Suen Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology Benjamin Au Yeung Artist Cindy Chow Executive Director Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Lawrence Tsui Professional Drummer, Founder GIG Studio Vivian Ho Artist Rudi Leung Director & CEO Hungry Digital Langston Suen Founder and Chief Executive Officer Opharmic Technology 從我們的校友中得到啟發 任何AcademicArtistAthleteContent CreatorEducatorEngineerEntrepreneurPilotPublic ServantSenior ManagementSocial Worker 職業 任何School of ScienceSchool of EngineeringSchool of Business & ManagementSchool of Humanities & Social ScienceAcademy of Interdisciplinary StudiesJoint SchoolsFok Ying Tung Graduate SchoolFunction HubInformation HubSociety HubSystems Hub 學院 任何20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025 上載年份 Jiaya Jia Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore Yi Pan Co-Founder Inovance Ken Ching Founder Locobike Franz Wu CEO, Chairman & Co-Founder, YOHO Yoho Group Alvin Lam Managing Partner T12M Ventures Ltd. Frank Wang Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Emily Nason Director Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions Office, HKUST Terry Tsang Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited Terence Tsang Founder and Chief Technology Officer Mad Head Limited Roger King Adjunct Professor; Senior Advisor and Founding Director Thompson Center Finance HKUST Business School; Business Case Studies Cindy Chow Executive Director Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Kent Hau Founder HK JEBN Limited (樓上) Load More