Co-Founder; CEO and Co-Founder
Appzolute; EventXtra

During an exchange to Tsinghua University, Sum inadvertently discovered his passion for developing mobile apps through Google's inaugural Android mobile apps competition for university students in China. When he returned to Hong Kong, he joined various companies to broaden his technological know-how and accumulate business experience. In his third year of university, Sum established his first company, Appzolute, a web and mobile apps developer. It was a successful initiative which brought together a solid group of team members and funding.

The inspiration for his second company, EventXtra, came when Sum attended various events and realized that despite living in a tech-savvy world, many events still relied heavily on manual labor to get things done. He and his team then created EventXtra, which helps event organizers save time and money by applying mobile technology to labor-intensive tasks. Appzolute and EventXtra are well-known in the industry, and have won a number of Mob-Ex Awards. AppZolute was also a finalist in the 2013 Mobile Marketing Agency of the Year Awards.

Aside from technology, Sum is also devoted to personal development and community service initiatives. At HKUST, he was a peer counselor and coach for the Redbird Award program – a student development and leadership program – for two years. He also served as a volunteer team leader with Project Lighthouse, a teaching program for children from rural areas in China, and participated in a joint-school leadership program where he was selected for the Top Leader and My Favorite Leader awards.

Sum is a strong supporter of his alma mater, having provided a registration platform through EventXtra for several HKUST events.

Know more about Sum from:

i-Cable Money Cafe Part 1 - July 11, 2016  and Part 2

South China Morning Post - March 14, 2016


Publish Year2016