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2022-23 獲資助學生
FOO Xiao Yi, School of Engineering
KUSAK Tomas, School of Science
LAI Ming Xuan, School of Business and Management
LAM Cheuk Huen, School of Business and Management
LI Jianyi, School of Science
NG Hoi Kan, School of Engineering
WONG Hok Nam, School of Science
SAKIPAGA Ece Bianca, School of Science
SUN Zhuotao, School of Engineering
YUNG Ka Shing, Interdisciplinary Programs
2021-22 獲資助學生
FU Yihan, School of Science
KOWALCZYK Wiktor Marcin, School of Engineering
LAI Yuxiao, School of Business and Management
LIU Chengcheng, Joint School
MANIMELDURA Maneth Jayaweera, School of Engineering
MISHRA Swapnil, School of Business and Management
NGUYEN Kim Hue Nam, Interdisciplinary Programs
ORESHKIN Fedor, School of Business and Management
WONG Xuan Wei, School of Business and Management
YAO Jiayi, School of Business and Management
2020-21 獲資助學生
FERNANDO Lindamulage Yasiru Hansaja, Interdisciplinary Programs
HALIM Vanessa Theodora, School of Engineering
HENDRIS Nicholas Bryan Russell, Interdisciplinary Programs
LEE Chun Yikk, School of Business and Management
LI Zixuan, School of Business and Management
LIM Her Wei, Interdisciplinary Programs
MENG Zifei, School of Business and Management
ZHANG Jiayi, Joint School
ZHOU Kexin, Joint School
2019-20 獲資助學生
CANDICE Angeline, School of Science
FOO Peace, School of Science
LIN Muyun, School of Science
TJANDRA Amelia, School of Engineering
2018-19 獲資助學生
CHEN Tiantian, Joint School
DONG Yu, School of Business and Management
GUNAWAN Josia Andreas, School of Engineering
JACOB Jubin, School of Engineering
WANG Tiancheng, Interdisciplinary Programs
WIDJAJA William Nathanael, Interdisciplinary Programs
2017-18 獲資助學生
DAS Prasenjit, School of Science
GUNAWAN, Josia Andreas, School of Science
KONG Deyue, School of Science
LONG Zhong, School of Science
PARK Seo Hyun, School of Business and Management
TSENG, Sheng-hong, Interdisciplinary Programs
2016-17 獲資助學生
CHEN Rui, School of Science
CHEN Ruihong, School of Engineering
JAIN Vaishali, School of Business and Management
JOO Minhyung, School of Science
OUYANG Jing, School of Science
RATTANARUNGRUENGCHAI Pat, School of Business and Management
2015-16 獲資助學生
DU Xinnan, School of Engineering
LIU Xinzhu, School of Engineering
MASHKINA Margarita, School of Business and Management
TAI Yu, School of Business and Management
YANG Yifeng, School of Science
YANG Yuan, School of Science
2014-15 獲資助學生
CHEN Liqi, School of Engineering
CHEN Yunyan, School of Business and Management
FATHEHPURIA Varun, School of Business and Management
GONG Bo, School of Engineering
TANG Yongjian, School of Science
XU Shiyao, Interdisciplinary Programs
2013-14 獲資助學生
AMBEKAR Chirag Pradip, School of Engineering
GAUTAM Aishwarya, School of Engineering
KHURANA Vibhor, School of Engineering
LIN Qiyang, School of Business and Management
LOW Khau Leng Michelle, School of Business and Management
2012-13 獲資助學生
CAI Wenxuani, School of Science
LUO Yanjin, School of Engineering
SU Qida, School of Engineering
WONG Cicilia Susanty, School of Engineering
ZHANG Yaofeng, School of Engineering