After graduation, Daniel's academic career took him to the UK, New Zealand, the USA and then back to Hong Kong where he is now an Associate Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Queensland. His research focuses on developing cost-effective, low-impact solutions to manage solid waste, urban water, and contaminated land in order to ensure sustainable urban development.
Daniel fondly recalls his six years at HKUST: "The laboratory facilities and technical support of Civil Engineering Department were fantastic. Everybody there is friendly and helpful. It was the UG final year project that fanned my flame of interest in research. I am also thankful for the mentorship of Professor Irene Lo." He adds that "HKUST is building for a new era. Our civil engineering alumni are also building for a better world for all."
Daniel has published over 350 research papers in top 10% journals including 30+ highly cited papers (top 1%) in the Web of Science database. He also serves as an Associate Editor for leading international journals such as Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, and Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.