Associate Professor
Integrative Systems and Design The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Sai-Kit spent several years as an Assistant Professor in Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) before returning to teach in the newly-established Division of Integrated Systems and Design at his alma mater in 2018.  His expertise lies in the areas of computer vision, computer graphics and image processing.

Some years ago, Sai-Kit pioneered joint post-doctoral studies between HKUST and UCLA, with Professor Tony F. Chan, President of HKUST, acting as a research advisor. This collaboration resulted in "Make It Home," an innovative interior design software that helps people come up with ideas on how to best arrange their furniture. The software has been featured in the international magazine New Scientist as well as local media, and was accepted into the most prestigious Computer Graphics Conference, ACM SIGGRAPH, in Vancouver, Canada, in 2011. With the support from an angel investor, Sai-Kit established his start-up company SKY Optimum Technology in Singapore and is now commercializing the "Make It Home" software. 

The holder of three degrees from HKUST, Sai-Kit is also the former team captain of the HKUST Swimming Team and a member of the Water Polo team. 

Publish Year2020