面包屑 首页 创业 科大创业家 探索校友创业家的历程 从他们的成功故事得到启发 汪滔 Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Kent Hau Founder HK JEBN Limited (樓上) 曾建中 Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited 梁嘉宝 Co-Founder Time Auction Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology 贾佳亚 Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore 贾佳亚 Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore 曾建中 Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited 曾建中 Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited 贾佳亚 Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore 汪滔 Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI 汪滔 Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI 梁嘉宝 Co-Founder Time Auction 梁嘉宝 Co-Founder Time Auction 汪滔 Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI Kent Hau Founder HK JEBN Limited (樓上) 曾建中 Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited 梁嘉宝 Co-Founder Time Auction Lydia Leung CEO Belun Technology 贾佳亚 Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore 贾佳亚 Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore 曾建中 Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited 曾建中 Founder and CEO Mad Head Limited 贾佳亚 Founder and Board Chairman SmartMore 汪滔 Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI 汪滔 Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer DJI 梁嘉宝 Co-Founder Time Auction 梁嘉宝 Co-Founder Time Auction 从校友创业家的成功故事得到启发 任何AcademicArtistAthleteContent CreatorEducatorEngineerEntrepreneurPilotPublic ServantSenior ManagementSocial Worker 职业 任何School of ScienceSchool of EngineeringSchool of Business & ManagementSchool of Humanities & Social ScienceAcademy of Interdisciplinary StudiesJoint SchoolsFok Ying Tung Graduate SchoolFunction HubInformation HubSociety HubSystems Hub 学院 任何20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000 上載日期 Victor Ruiz Sanchez Co-Founder & CEO actiMirror Corporation Bradley Chiang Co-Founder Snapask Yosha Gupta CEO and Founder LafaLafa Jack, Ngai Man Shing Founder & CEO D-Engraver Chris Chan Director, Co-founder ZB Capital Samantha Kong Founder Eldpathy Co. Limited Rono Kwong 2015 HK Top Outstanding Young Persons; Founder and Chairman Best Video Limited Dr Nick Chin CTO & Co-founder Panopticai Ltd. Ken Law 3MotherApp 陈易希 Director Bull.B Tech 李燕侬 Founder Hoholife Xuan Junpeng Co-founder Jiancong Technology Co Load More