Our calendars took a hit with the onset of COVID-19 as many in-person events and offline programs were postponed or canceled. Towards the end of 2019 and early in 2020, some alumni were lucky enough to attend physical gatherings, but following that we were impressed with the effort that alumni, the Schools and the Offices made to hold virtual events where possible to show support and uphold valued connections. Make sure you stay connected to find out what our alumni groups have in store going forward — and hopefully it won’t be too long before we all meet in person again.
Development and Alumni Office
HKUST Alumni Association
Business School

EMBA Program Office

Electronic and Computer Engineering Alumni Association
MBA Alumni Toastmasters Club
Alumni Dragon Boat Club
Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association

Mainland Alumni Association Association

Launch ceremony of the first batch of HKSAR junior professional officers recommended by the Central Government of the PRC to the United Nations
Interview with ExCo member Melissa Guo by Guangzhou TV
Special ExCo Meeting
Alumni Wine Association Association
Northern California Alumni Chapter

New York Alumni Chapter
Business School Mainland China Office